I am sitting in silence as I try to reflect on the past week of my life.
I have no words to describe what I have felt. So many thoughts are running through my head that the overwhelming noise just creates a silence.
And there have been many times this past week where the overpowering noise of cars, trains, birds, oceans, winds, and rain have mellowed out into a silence in my mind. Times where I must block everything out and just take it all in.
So I have listened, not only with my ears but also with my eyes. I have tried to absorb the beauty around me, from the sweet blue beaches to the concrete jungle. All are mesmerizing in their own way, what God has created and what man has done with it. Sydney may be one of the greatest outcomes of the collaboration of the two.
I have already found so many quirks and parts that I love; small things different from America that make this place so unique. I love the culture of conserving; not being wasteful with what we have been blessed with. Electrical plugs here have off switches, recycling cans are everywhere, many eco-friendly buildings. Our air conditioning turns off every hour, which has been a bit of adjustment. Most everything is clean here, even the subway system, unlike the streets of New York. The coffee is worth coming for; we have ventured into several local coffee shops, with the best vanilla lattes. I live 5 miles from the beach, and less than a mile from central station, where I could get anywhere in New South Wales. This city has everything you could want - beaches, mountains, shops, food, parks, music, dancing, sports. The people here have been quite extraordinary and intriguing. I have been amazed by the number of people here who weren't born here. Also, many people here are so laid back - "no worries" is a pretty common phrase. It's as though all the people with the same ideals have ended up in this one corner of the earth.
The sun is brighter. The air is cleaner. The grass is greener.
It has been easy to immerse myself in this culture, accepting all the good things. It has been easy to turn my head from what is happening in America - Donald Trump, women's marches, all different kinds of rights movements, angry social media posts, crazy opinions everywhere. It has been easy to forget (on purpose) what makes me uncomfortable in America. I have fully enjoyed turning off the news and disengaging.
While I'm here, I hope to keep it that way. I want to fully understand the outside view of America and hopefully reflect and learn about my country from the perspective of another. It has already been a humbling experience to be the "foreigner." I have been so confused at times and relied on others to notice and help. I have been made so aware of my "Americaness" and my American ideas.
So I hope this trip will teach me about my Americaness - what's good and what's bad. Maybe I will get to take some new ideas home to put into practice. I hope to understand more what it's like to be a foreigner and develop a new love for them and hospitality towards them by empathizing with their situation. I hope to see Australia for all it's beauty and be amazed at the work of my Creator.
And though I know I will love Australia dearly, I hope to know truly whether the grass is really greener here, or if it will be greener where I water it.
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