Thursday, March 30, 2017

A Taste of Adulting

I like being an adult.

Shew, that’s something I never thought I would hear myself say. Well, I guess I haven’t said it out loud so much as written it, but you know what I mean.

Maybe it is just me, but I am quite burnt out on school. I needed this semester to get away and get a taste of the real world. That being said, I must say I was a little intimidated by the idea of a 50-hour work week when I first arrived. My whole life up until this point has been school. Class, tests, projects, papers, and maybe a part time job on the side. Like working in the Golden Roast coffee shop as I did last semester.

As intimidated as I was for the internship, I was ready. I’m not the type of person who learns by sitting in a classroom. I learn on the go. And after only five weeks at this internship, I have easily learned more about my profession than I have in my three years of college. I look forward to work, even the things I am not keen on doing simply because I love the fact that every day I have the opportunity to learn something new. After all, I didn’t pay this much money to come on the trip and learn nothing.

Now, I am no full-fledged adult. I don’t pay taxes, my job is unpaid, and I haven’t even graduated college yet. I am, however, well on my way, and this internship has been the first step. I have an interview when I get back to the states with another production company to fulfill a school credit and, hopefully, it will lead to full time employment once I graduate in December.

This trip has required a lot more attention to detail, sense of responsibility, and growing up in a very short amount of time. However, even at the toughest times and my lowest of lows, it has made me more excited about the future and more passionate about what I plan on doing with my life.

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