Monday, April 3, 2017

Mom, Madre, Mother, Mamacita, Mama

Moms. We all have them. But, sometimes we forget just how much the word “mom” encompasses.

Recently, I have been thinking about growing up. Maybe it is being here in Australia or the fact that I am suddenly no longer a teenager, but I have realized that no matter how old we get or independent we feel, we all always seem to find comfort in the “mom” archetype.

When Dr. Miller was still here in Australia with us, we began to jokingly refer to her as “mom” when she would help us solve problems and take us all to family dinners. When it was time for her to go, many people voiced concerns about not having her here – who would be our mom? How will we go on all on our own?

While there is certainly some humor in referring to teachers, friends, and other people who help us out and look after us as “mom,” I think it is more than just a joke. I think that when we are placed in new and unfamiliar situations, we look to someone to play the mom roll because that word has come to mean a source of comfort and knowledge.

This past weekend we went scuba diving and snorkeling in The Great Barrier Reef (wowza!!!), and I heard a group of girls from Canada calling one of the surf instructors “mom”. They had only met the woman a few hours prior, but because she had helped one of them escape a day of nausea and sea-sickness, she had quickly taken on the role of “mom” for those girls.

There is also the role of the “mom” of a friend group. I have served this role many a time, as have many others I’m sure. Usually, this occurs when I help people. I think that says a lot about moms. The association that we all make, often without realizing it, of people who help us to the word mom truly says a lot. We all have moments when we need a mom figure in our lives, and we also have the capacity to help people and be a mom to those who need us.

With all of this said, I do not want to take away from the real moms out there. After all, we wouldn’t really be here without them. However, I do think that it is interesting, when we are on our own in the real world, how often we look to the people around us to serve as “mom.”

I have decided that moms are cool. The word encompasses the things we all need when growing up – love, comfort, guidance, knowledge, wisdom, help. So, to all the moms out there, whether a friend mom, a teacher mom, or a real mom, I think you rock. And I hope that in the future I can encompass all of these things for others and have the pleasure of meeting many more mom figures.

DISCLAIMER: My mom is cool, and I hope that she does not feel replaced by the writing of this blog. 

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